Working with a freelancer: why go direct with a service provider?

Shortage of time, peak activity, lack of in-house skills… You want to use the services of a freelancer, but you’re not sure whether to work directly with them or use a recruitment agency? While recruiting a freelancer through an intermediary can save you time, it can also be a hindrance to the smooth running of the assignment. In this article, we explain how collaborating with a freelancer directly ensures greater efficiency and fluidity in the management of all your projects.

Working with a freelancer directly VS via an employment agency

Today, more and more companies are turning to freelancers to outsource certain tasks. Indeed, the flexibility of an independent external service provider can be far less restrictive than the traditional recruitment of a permanent employee. With thecurrent boom in freelancing, more and more independent contractors are ready to put their skills to work for you.

However, when it comes to selecting your external service provider, you may be asking yourself the following questions:

  • How can I find the right freelancer with the technical skills I need?
  • How can you be sure that your collaboration will run smoothly?
  • How can you trust an external service provider without first testing the quality of its services?

To address these concerns, there are recruitment agencies that specialize in placing freelancers with companies. These agencies act as intermediaries between the two parties. On the one hand, they select freelancers according to their expertise. On the other, they gather information on the needs of companies looking for freelancers. All they have to do is assign the freelance profile best suited to the company’s needs.

If you don’t want to use an intermediary, you can of course recruit directly. To do this, you can tap into your professional network and search for talent among your contacts. You can also prospect and recruit on social networks. But perhaps you’re still wary of entrusting an assignment to an unknown service provider? And yet, the advantages of working in this way are actually numerous, both for you and for the freelancer.

Advantages and disadvantages of working with a freelancer directly

Selecting freelance skills

When you hire a freelancer directly, you hold all the cards. Whether you’re looking for specific skills or a feeling for a professional, it’s up to you to choose the freelancer you entrust with your projects.

While it’s true that using a placement agency can save you time in your search for the ideal freelancer, in reality it only has access to a limited pool of professionals. Your choice is therefore reduced to a ready-made selection.

Work with a freelancer directly to optimize your budget

As with any matchmaking service, finding freelancers via an intermediary is not free. The amount of the invoices sent by the recruitment agency will therefore be valued to include their commission. Working with a freelancer directly is therefore financially more advantageous for both you and the service provider.

Greater bargaining power

What’s more, working directly with a freelancermakes it easier for you tonegotiate the budget for the services you require. This gives you the flexibility to renegotiate services and rates over time. Ideal for long-term assignments that sometimes require a few adjustments.

Smoother communication

Going through an intermediary can also be a barrier to communication. The company-freelance relationship can become less flexible. At times, the involvement of an intermediary agency is akin to a subordinate relationship. On the other hand, working with a freelancer directly saves time. You can send clear messages to your freelance service provider. They can also be much more responsive to your requests.

Dispute management

Finally, you always benefit from the security of a service contract. In the case of collaboration via an employment agency, the contract is concluded with the agency. It is the agency that commits to the skills and services provided by the freelancer. For you, it’s also the assurance of having an intermediary to turn to in the event of a dispute with a freelancer.

In the case of direct collaboration, a contract is also drawn up between you and the service provider. This defines the terms of the relationship. In the event of a dispute, both parties can refer to the service contract, which should propose an arbitration solution. What’s more, if the collaboration no longer meets your expectations, you are free to terminate it at any time.

Now you know the advantages of working with a live freelancer.

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